A Note About Citations and References
While the authors compiling this Guide relied
primarily on their first-hand observations at Florida springs, they also
made frequent use of the rich and expanding body of research, publications,
other individuals--descriptions, archival material, Internet sites, and
other sources. Wherever other sources were used, there should be
full and proper citation/acknowledgement of those sources. Any citation
errors or oversights are unintentional;
the authors invite feedback
and corrections.
The spring essays are by Joe Follman and taken from radio commentaries he recorded for WFSU-FM in Tallahassee, Florida from 1996-2000.
The following publications, flyers, brochures, and web sites are cited in the Guide:
- "About Safety Harbor Resort and Spa." Taken from no-longer-existing web site at www.safetyharborspa.com.
- "Abstracts of Papers and Posters Presented at the Florida Springs Conference: Natural Gems--Troubled Waters." (February 5-7, 2003, Gainesville, Florida). Tallahassee: Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
- "Abstracts of Talks Presented at the Florida Springs Conference: Natural Gems--Troubled Waters." (February 8-10, 2000, Gainesville, Florida). Tallahassee: Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
- "Allen Mill Pond," n.d. Flyer produced by the Suwannee River Water Management District, Live Oak, Fla. (800-342-1002).
- Barrios, K., & Chelette, A., July 2004. Econfina Creek Spring Inventory, Washington and Bay Counties, FL. Havana, FL: Northwest Florida Water Management District (online publication available at http://www.state.fl.us/nwfwmd/pubs/wrsr04-02/index.html
- Bartram, W., 1928. Travels of William Bartram. Edited by Mark Van Doren. New York: Dover Publications, Inc.
- Bergen, J., & Bergen, B., 1997. Carefree Canoeing in Florida. Houston: Gulf Publishing Company.
- Bill, Ledyard, 1869. A winter in Florida; or, Observations on the soil, climate, and products of our semi-tropical state; with sketches of the principal towns and cities in eastern Florida. . . . New York: Wood & Holbrook.
- Blackwell, T., June 21, 2005. "Revamped Park Offers Place of Tranquility." In the St. Petersburg Times, p. 6.
- Bonn, M., & Bell, F. (2003). Economic Impact of Selected Florida Springs on Surrounding Local Areas, 2003. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State University.
- Breslauer, K., 2000. Roadside Paradise: The Golden Age of Florida's Tourist Attractions, 1929-1971. St. Petersburg, FL: RetroFlorida, Inc.
- Brinton, D. G., 1859. Notes on the Floridian peninsula, its literary history, Insian [sic] tribes and antiquities. Philadelphia: J. Sabin.
- Burt, A., (2003, April 27). "Healing Waters: Springs Represent a Disappearing Part of Florida." Tallahassee: The Tallahassee Democrat, p. E1, 5.
- Call, J., & Stephenson, F. (Fall, 2003). "Spring Time in Florida." In Florida State University Research in Review. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State University, Vol. XIII, No. III.
- Carr, A., 1983. "All the Way Down upon the Suwannee River." In Audubon, Vol. 85, No. 3. New York: National Audubon Society.
- Carter, E. F., & Pearce, J. L., 1993 (Volume 1, 5thPrinting). A Canoeing and Kayaking Guide to the Streams of Florida. Birmingham, AL: Menasha Ridge Press.
- Champion, K. M., & Starks, R., May 2001. The Hydrology and Water Quality of Springs in West-Central Florida. Brooksville, FL: Southwest Florida Water Management District.
- "Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge" (May, 1990). Brochure produced by the U.S. Department of the Interior.
- Cherry, R.N., Steward, J.W., & Mann, J.A., 1970. General Hydrology of the Middle Gulf Area. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Geological Survey, Report Inv. 56.
- Clinton, C. A. (supposed author), 1852. A Winter from Home. New York: J.F. Trow, Printer.
- The Complete Florida Springs Map & Guide, 1999. Hixson, TN: Freshwater Publications.
- Cotterell, W. (2003, September 30). "State Adds Safeguards for Springs." Tallahassee, FL: Tallahassee Democrat, pp. A1-2.
- "Crystal-clear Wacissa River Permanently Protected," in The Nature Conservancy, Florida Chapter News (Winter 2000). Altamonte Springs, FL: The Nature Conservancy, p. 12.
- "Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge. Destinations: Florida's Big Bend Wildlife Refuges." N.p.: GORP web site (http://gorp.com/gorp/resources/us_nwr/fl_cryst.htm).
- Danielson, R. (2001, April 16). "Old Place, New Face." In St. Petersburg Times online at http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/sptimes/doc.
- DeLoach, N., 1997 (9th Edition). Diving Guide to Underwater Florida. Jacksonville, FL: New World Publications.
- "Eureka Springs" (n.d.). Tampa, FL: Hillsborough County Parks and Recreation Department (brochure).
- Fairbanks, G. R., 1871. History of Florida from its discovery by Ponce de Leon, in 1512, to the close of the Florida war, in 1842 . . . Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Company.
- Farren, R., & Farren, C., 1994. Florida's Outdoors: Big Bend/Tallahassee Region. Tallahassee, FL: Woodland Productions.
- Ferguson, G.E., Lingham, C.W., Love, S.K., & Vernon, R.O., 1947. Springs of Florida. Tallahassee: Florida Geological Survey, Bulletin #31.
- Florida Atlas & Gazetteer, 1997 (4th Edition). Freeport, ME: DeLorme.
- Florida Department of Environmental Protection, May 2002. Let's Protect Blue Spring. (Brochure.)
- Florida Department of Environmental Protection (n.d.). Put a Spring in Your Step: Discover Freshwater Springs in Florida State Parks. (Brochure.) Tallahassee, FL.
- Florida Geology Forum (March 2003). Tallahassee: Florida Geological Survey, Vol. 17, No. 1 (source of serveral citations noted by individual contributors/authors in the web site).
- Florida State Parks, 1999. Tallahassee: Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Recreation and Parks.
- Florida State Parks. n.d. "Blue Spring State Park." Web site produced by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection--wysiwyg://27/http://www.absolutelyflorida.com/parks/BlueSpring/bluespring.htm
- Foote, S., 1974. The Civil War: A Narrative. Volume 3. Red River to Appomattox. New York: Vintage Books.
- "Fun Flows Freely at Kelly Park--Just Like the Water: Spring Fling," (2002, May 29). Orlando: Orlando Sentinel, Visitor Guide, p. 1.
- Greene, Lisa. (2001, July 8). "Springs Eternal." St. Petersburg, FL: St. Petersburg Times (no page).
- Hall, E. A., 1866. Appleton's hand-book of American travel. The southern tour; being a guide through Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgiand [sic] Kentucky . . . With maps of the leading routes of travel and of the principal cities. New York: D. Appleton & Company.
- Hallock, C., 1876. Camp life in Florida; a handbook for sportsmen and settlers. New York: Forest and Stream Publishing Company.
- Hartnett, F. M., 2000. Florida's Springs: Strategies for Protection & Restoration. Tallahassee: Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
- Hauserman, J. (2002, May 25). "Mine to Grow Near Pristine River." St. Petersburg, FL: St. Petersburg Times (no page).
- "Homosassa Springs State Wildlife Park" (n.d.). Brochure produced by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Recreation and Parks, Tallahassee.
- Hornsby, D., & Ceryak, R., 1998. Springs of the Suwannee River Basin in Florida. Live Oak, FL: Suwannee River Water Management District. (Phone: 800-226-1066).
- Hornsby, D., & Ceryak, R., 2000. Springs of the Aucilla, Coastal, and Waccasassa Basins in Florida. Live Oak, FL: Suwannee River Water Management District. (Phone: 800-226-1066.)
- Indian Rocks Area Historical Society, 1985. Indian Rocks: A Pictorial History. Great Outdoors Publishing Company.
- Jenkins, J. L., 1969. Dunellon--Boomtown of the 1890's. The Story of Rainbow Springs and Dunellon. St. Petersburg, FL: Great Outdoors Publishing.
- Johnson, C., & Faircloth, D., 1996. District Lands . . . . Yours to Enjoy. Live Oak, FL: Suwannee River Water Management District.
- Katz, B.G., Bohlke, J.K., & Hornsby, H.D., 2001. "Timescales for Nitrate Contamination of Spring Waters." In Florida Scientist, vol. 64, p. 52-3.
- Katz, B.G., Griffen, D.W., Swarz, P.W., Walsh, S.J., & Jeeks, H.L., 2003. Florida Springs Interdisciplinary Science Study. Tallahassee, FL: United States Geological Survey.
- Katz, B.G., Hornsby, D., Bohlke, J.F., & Mokray, M.F, 1999. Sources and Chronology of Nitrate Contamination in Spring Waters, Suwannee River Basin, Florida. Tallahassee, FL: United States Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4252.
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- "The Land No One Wanted" (Spring, 1995), in Ocala Forest Times. Ocala, FL: Ocala National Forest Interpretive Association, p. 8.
- Lane, E., 2001. The Spring Creek Submarine Springs Group, Wakulla County, Florida. Tallahassee: Florida Geological Survey.
- Lanman, C., 1856. Adventures in the wilds of the United States and British American provinces. Philadelphia, J. W. Moore.
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- Long, K.H. (2001, May 13). "Woodland Escape." Tampa: The Tampa Tribune, pp.1-2, Travel.
- "Lower Suwannee River Boat Ramps & Canoe Launches" (n.d.). Pamphlet/map produced by the Suwannee River Water Management District: Live Oak, FL. (Phone: 800-226-1066.)
- "Manatees Get Sanctuary in Florida" (Oct. 26, 1998). N.p.: Environmental News Network web site (www.cnn.com/TECH/science/9810/26/manatees)
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- "Rainbow River: An Aquatic Garden." (n.d.) Rainbow Springs Aquatic Preserve, Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
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- St. Johns River Water Management District (2002). Springs of the St. Johns River Water Management District. Draft. Online publication available at http://sjrwmd.com/programs/plan_monitor/gw_assess/springs/
- St. Petersburg Times Editorial Board (Feb. 4, 2001). "Company should be Kept Away from Spring." St. Petersburg, FL: St. Petersburg Times Online Citrus County (http://web2.sptimes.com/New'Śws_pf/Citrus/Company_should_be _kep.sht)
- Scalpone, J. L., 1994 (2nd Printing). Florida's Bubbling Springs: A Mini-Day Trip Book. Sarasota, FL: Serbin Printing.
- Scott, T.M., Means, G.H., Meegan. R.P., Means, R.C., Upchurch, S.B., Copeland, R.R., Jones, J., Roberts, T., & Willet, A., 2004. Springs of Florida. Bulletin No. 66. Tallahassee, FL: State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Resource Assessment and Management, Florida Geological Survey.
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- Schneider, M. (2001, April 26). "Florida Springs Focus of Dispute," in The Tallahassee Democrat, pp. 1-2A.
- Sinclair, William C., 1977. Preliminary Evaluation of the Water-Supply Potential of the Weeki Wachee Area and the Llower Withlacoochee River, West-Central Florida. Tallahassee: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Inv., 78-74.
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