Springs Fever: A Field & Recreation Guide to 500 Florida Springs.

Beckton Spring

Washington County

Summary of Features

  • Scale - 2nd magnitude (?)
  • Scenery - good
  • How Pristine? - land cleared near spring, house and dock by spring, spring has been excavated
  • Swimming - fair to good
  • Protection - unknown
  • Crowds - some visitors on warm weekends
  • Access - good, boat only
  • Facilities - none
  • Safety - good
  • Scuba - yes
  • Cost - free

Quick Directions

On Holmes Creek north of Vernon.  The spring may be reached by boat upriver on Holmes Creek from Vernon, 1/4 mile downriver from the public boat ramp at Big Pine Landing, 2-3 miles northeast of Vernon off SR 277.


The spring is about a mile downstream of Cypress Spring on the west side of Holmes Creek.  It is about 1/4 mile downriver from the public boat ramp at Big Pine Landing mentioned in the quick directions. After the boat ramp, look for a dock, with no other docks nearby, on the east side.  Look for two flows on the right (west) side that go into the spring pool.

Spring Description

The spring pool is oval in shape and perhaps 175 feet across. Water flows into the NE end of the spring from two channels off Holmes Creek.  On date of visit in May 2002, the water in the basin was fairly clear, and the boulders and two vents could be seen on the bottom at depths of 20-25 feet.  The depth of the pool is now approximately 35 feet, and there is a large cavern entrance that did not exist in the past. Water flows from two openings amidst boulders and smaller limestone rocks.

There was a mild slick on the surface above the main vent, which was 2-3 feet across.  Most of the rest of the bottom was sandy with somevegetation.  There was water cabbage and water "parsley" on the surface.  The combined flow from the spring and the two channels that feed it flow about 900 feet into Holmes Creek.  According to a long-time resident, the spring is this clear or clearer about 8 months each year.  Land rises up perhaps 20 feet above the spring, and has been partially cleared. There is a house above the spring.


Beckton is adjacent to privately owned property, and there is no land egress or access. In the early 2000s, the then-landowner around the spring was found guilty of illegally excavating the spring vent to make it more accessible to divers.  People motor or paddle into the spring to swim and fish.

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