Springs Fever: A Field & Recreation Guide to 500 Florida Springs.

Branford Springs

Suwannee County

Summary of Features

  • Scale -2nd magnitude
  • Scenery fair -good
  • How Pristine? platform, cleared land, recreation/park/swimming area
  • Swimming -fair-good
  • Protection -good
  • Crowds -heavy on warm weekends
  • Access -excellent
  • Facilities -fine
  • Safety -very good
  • Scuba -no
  • Cost -free


Branford Spring is located on the east side of the Suwannee River, just south of the U.S. 27 bridge that crosses the river. Turn south into Ivey Memorial Park; the spring is on the right about 150 feet from the bridge.

Spring Description

Branford Springs has two vents that together form a peanut-shell-shaped pool that flows directly into the Suwannee River. The main flow is from a vent of about 8 feet in depth just off the wooden platform that forms a perimeter around the SE side of the spring. This spring pool is circular and perhaps 40 feet in diameter. The second vent is in the lower, smaller pool and is about 5 feet deep. Water in the spring is generally clear and greenish. There is often some trash in the spring and along its banks. The land around the spring is a municipal park, and there are a cypress trees on the perimeter of the spring and its run.


Local Springiana

The flood of 1998--one of the Suwannee's highest floods of the century--completely inundated the dive shop next to the spring.

Personal Impressions

Despite its familiar name, Branford Spring is somewhat drab and plain compared to some of its brilliant spring neighbors.

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