Springs Fever: A Field & Recreation Guide to 500 Florida Springs.


Columbia County

Summary of Features

  • Scenery - fair
  • How Pristine? - in back yard of house on river
  • run altered and dammed
  • Swimming - yes
  • Protection - unknown
  • Access - no
  • private

Quick Directions

1-2 houses past the unnamed possible spring above. 20 minutes’ paddle upriver on the Santa Fe from private boat ramp at Oasis Spring or 2-3 miles below boat ramp at Wilson Spring.

Full Directions

From U.S. 27 in Ft. White, take Wilson Springs Road west about 4 miles to the spring and boat ramp on the Santa Fe River. Go downriver on the Santa Fe 2-3 miles past 2 sets of small shoals and a hairpin turn. The spring is on the north (right) side of the river in a neighborhood after the dramatic river turn and 1-2 houses after the unnamed possible spring described above. To get to the Oasis boat ramp.

From Branford, drive east/south on U.S. 27 to junction with Highway 129/49. Turn south. Drive about 5 miles to Highway 138 and turn east. Drive 3.4 miles to NE 2nd Way. Follow 2nd Way for 2.6 miles to dirt road on right and the boatramp.

Spring Description

The spring is just off the river (the center of the pool perhaps 75 feet from the river) and forms an oval pool that is about 35 by 45 feet in diameter. Water in the pool was clear and shallow and a mild boil was visible. The water had a green tint on date of visit (January 2001). No vent was visible, however, due to vegetation in the pool. The spring is set in a depression with banks rising around it on all sides and land sloping upward to a house on the north side. Much of the land around the spring has been cleared and is grassy.

The banks of the pool are shored with sandbags and the mouth of the run is narrowed and partly dammed with sandbags and rocks. Water tumbles from the mouth of the pool into the river 25 feet away. On date of visit,the run was only a few inches deep.


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