Springs Fever: A Field & Recreation Guide to 500 Florida Springs.

Crab Creek (Crab, McCrabb Three Sisters) Springs

Citrus County

Summary of Features

  • Scale - 2nd magnitude (estimated)
  • Scenery - very good
  • How Pristine? - houses and dock adjacent to springs
  • Swimming - fair-poor
  • Protection - unknown
  • Crowds - occasional boaters
  • Access - boat only, no land access
  • Facilities - excellent nearby
  • Safety - very good
  • Scuba - unknown
  • Cost - $1.50 to park nearby, more to rent boat or canoe


From intersection of U.S. 19 and U.S. 98, go west on Highway 480, a.k.a. Miss Maggie's Drive. Follow 1.7 miles to the end, passing small homes and the Chassahowitzka River Lodge on the right. Turn right at signs for the Chassahowitzka River Campground and follow to headwaters. From the boat ramp, go downriver about 250 feet and then go right or north into Crab Creek and about 200 feet to the springs on the west side and at the back of the run.

For maps, latitude/longitude data, driving directions, satellite imagery, and topographic representations as well as weather conditions at this spring, go to Greg Johnson's informative "Florida Springs Database" web site at the following address:  http://www.ThisWaytothe.Net/springs/floridasprings.htm#Florida

Spring Description

Three spring vents are located at the back end of Crab Creek.  Each is a limestone opening amid aquatic vegetation.  According to Champion & Starks, one of the vents appeared in the 1980s (May 2001, p. 70).  The depths of the vents vary but appear to be 6-10 feet. There are strong slicks or boils from each opening, and fish swim in the vent areas.  The water is milky, and there are chalky deposits on the vegetation around the springs.  The depth and salinity of the run vary with the tide.

>The springs create a short run called Crab Creek, which is 80-100 feet wide and 300 feet in length.  The run is richly vegetated and the surrounding land is dense forest and swamp.  Two houses are located adjacent to the springs, and there is a dock near the back spring.  Herons, vultures, kingfishers, and other birds are commonly seen.

DeLoach (1997) calls these springs the Three Sisters and notes that they may be dived to depths of up to 20 feet (p. 115).


Personal Impressions

The milky water emanating from the springs led the authors to puzzle over what minerals/dissolved solids are in the water.

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