Springs Fever: A Field & Recreation Guide to 500 Florida Springs.

Devil's Eye (or Boiling) Springs (on the Ichetucknee)

Suwannee County

Summary of Features

  • Scale -2nd magnitude
  • Scenery -outstanding
  • How Pristine? -very unspoiled
  • Swimming -very good-fine
  • Protection -excellent
  • Crowds -small
  • Access -very good
  • Facilities -none at spring; fine in park nearby
  • Safety -very good
  • Scuba -yes
  • Cost -varies by use--see Use/Access below

Directions (address: 12087 SW U.S. Highway 27 Fort White, FL 32038 (386) 497-4690

From Branford, drive SE on U.S. 27 for about 10 miles. Turn north (left) at park sign onto State Road 137. Take first paved road on the right (State Road 238) to the park entrance on the right. Put canoe in at launch. The springs are about 850 feet downstream (about three minutes' paddle) from Mission Springs, on the opposite bank.

Spring Description

Perhaps more accurately termed "Devil’s Eyes," this is a set of two springs/spring pools that form a single run to the Ichetucknee River. The main pool is circular and perhaps 120 feet wide. Water issues from a limestone opening in the middle of the pool and forms large boils on the surface. Plants surround the opening, which appeared to be about 15 feet deep. Water over the vent was blue and very clear on date of visit (December 2000). A large live oak tree arches from the bank at the back of the pool, with limbs reaching perhaps 40 feet directly over the vent. The spring run is about 50 feet wide and includes the flow from the second spring on the site (see below).

The secondary spring and its pool are immediately adjacent to the main spring and about 120 feet to the northwest (or upriver side). The pool is circular and about 25 feet in diameter. Water flows up along what appears to be a nearly vertical limestone wall beneath the surface. A mild boil was visible, and the water was clear and light blue over the vent. The flow from this spring joins that of the adjacent larger spring. Note: the authors have not found any published descriptions of this spring, even though it is both clearly separate from the larger spring and clearly visible.

The two springs create a run of about 160 feet to the Santa Fe River. The land around the springs is forested floodplain and karst terrain.



The name of the main spring is derived from the eye-like appearance of the vent among the surrounding eel grass.

Personal Impressions

In its natural and undisturbed setting, with its powerful boil and dramatic blue against the green eel grass all around it, and the natural framing of the nearby banks and overarching oak tree, Devil's Eye Spring is one of the most attractive and appealing springs in Florida.

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