Springs Fever: A Field & Recreation Guide to 500 Florida Springs.

Hightower Spring

Washington County

Summary of Features

  • Scale -low 2nd magnitude (estimated)
  • Scenery - good
  • How Pristine? - small park area and boat ramp near spring
  • Swimming - fair
  • Protection - very good
  • Crowds - some swimming and picnicking and regular use of boatramp at site
  • Access - excellent
  • Facilities - good
  • Safety - very good
  • Scuba - no
  • Cost - free
  • Cost - free


On Holmes Creek south of Vernon.  From the main intersection in Vernon, drive south on State Road 79 about 2 miles.  Turn right (west) onto Hightower Road and drive a short distance to Hightower Springs Landing and the spring.

Spring Description

The spring pool is roughly guitar-shaped, with the "neck" being the spring run that flow into the nearby Chipola River.  The pool is about 35-50 feet across and about 125 feet long.  Water flows from approximately 10 visible sand boils or clusters of sand boils.  Depths in the pool are 3-5 feet except at the boils which are 6-8 feet deep.  The boils vary in size from just a few inches across to one cluster near the middle of the pool that is perhaps 8 by 12 feet across.  The sand boils are blue-white, and the bottom is otherwise muddy or covered in vegetation. Water in the pool is very clear.  Small fish were observed in the spring.

The springs lie in a low area along Holmes Creek amid dense floodplain forest except for the cleared parking, picnic, and boat ramp area. On date of visit in May 2002, the bank was about four feet high. The spring forms a run that winds about 200 feet through dense forest before entering the Chipola River.  The run is 6-15 wide and one foot deep.


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Contact Information

Northwest Florida Water Management District