Springs Fever: A Field & Recreation Guide to 500 Florida Springs.

July Spring

Columbia County

Summary of Features

  • Scale - 1st magnitude
  • Scenery - excellent
  • How Pristine? - adjacent to developed camp/swim/dive/recreation area,exotic plants in water, float marking site, otherwise fairly pristine
  • Swimming - good
  • Protection - unknown/private, no landfall allowed
  • Crowds - can be heavy on warm weekends
  • Access - very good, boat or swimming only
  • Facilities - excellent at Ginnie Springs nearby
  • Safety - good
  • Scuba - yes
  • Cost - free from river; $14 for adults and $4 for children age 6-12 to swim

Quick Directions


Accessible from the Ginnie Springs complex at 5000 NE 60th Avenue, High Springs, FL 32643.


From High Springs, drive south on U.S. 27/41 about 1 mile. Turn west (right) onto State Road 340 (Poe Springs Road), drive about 6.5 miles, and then turn right onto graded road at sign for Ginnie Springs. Follow another mile to the entrance. July Spring is directlyacross the river from the three Devils springs at the upstream end of the Ginnie Springs complex.

Spring Description

The spring creates a semicircular cove at the edge of the Santa Fe River. The alcove is approximately 85 feet across and opens directly into the river. A small sign on a tree on the bank identifies the spring.  The area around the spring is infested with elodea.  The spring is a 40-footlong fissure that parallels the river and forms several vents and boils on the surface.  The water is clear and varies from blue to greenish depending on conditions.  The vents appear to be 6-10 feet deep and are narrow openings in the limestone.  The land around the spring is dense floodplain forest with a bank of about three feet.  Water in the spring is clearand can be blue or green depending on lighting and other conditions. The inteconnected cavern systems associated with this and other springs at Ginnie Springs have been mapped for 33,000 feet.  Over 30,000 diversvisit the Ginnie Springs complex each year.  Water in the spring isaround 72 degrees.  Studies show that the springs are fed by two watersheds that encompass 300 square miles (Rauch, 2003).


Personal Impressions

Almost anywhere else, July Spring would be considered a beautiful spring and a great place to swim and snorkel. However, with so many spectacular spring neighbors, July winds up being an ugly stepchild by comparison.

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