Springs Fever: A Field & Recreation Guide to 500 Florida Springs.

Little Hidden Spring

Citrus County

Summary of Features

  • Scale—3rd magnitude
  • Scenery—excellent
  • How Pristine?—very natural and unspoiled
  • Swimming—no
  • Protection—excellent
  • Crowds—small
  • Access—good, boat only
  • Facilities—none
  • Safety—very good
  • Scuba—no
  • Cost—free


At the northern tip of an island (GET NAME) in SE King’s Bay and part of the Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge. The island is just north of Buzzard Island and Paradise point on the mainland. Look for the mouth of the run across from tall reeds where the channel around the island opens up into King’s Bay—see map. http://www.ThisWaytothe.Net/springs/floridasprings.htm#Florida

Spring Description

The spring forms an oval pool in an area of dense jungle-like vegetation and forest. Water flows from 3 small limestone opening at depths of 2-3 feet. The pool is about 25 by 45 feet and then narrows into a run of about 60 feet to the edge of King’s Bay. Water in the spring is shallow—from 1-3 feet—and clear. The spring and run and canopied by palms and hardwoods, and small fish may be spied in the water. The authors saw a raccoon by the spring run on date of visit in May 2001.


The island where the spring is located is protected as part of the Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge. No landfall can be made, and not many people know about the spring. Most come in on small motorboats and hang out or wade in the shallows.


A long-time visitor at the spring told the authors the spring was called "Little Hidden Spring." It may not have a formal name. This spring was marked in the 1977 Springs of Florida, but was not described or named (Rosenau et al., p. 81).

Personal Impressions

Of all the springs the authors saw in Crystal River, this one was the most pristine and untrammeled. Because it is small, however, more than three people feels like a crowd.

Nearby Springs

Other Nearby Natural Features

Contact Information

Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge
1502 SE King’s Bay Drive
Crystal River, FL 34429