Little King Spring
Levy County
Summary of Features
- Scale - 3rd magnitude (estimated)
- Scenery - fine
- How Pristine? - boardwalk around spring, some clearing near spring
- Swimming - unknown
- Protection - fine
- Crowds - used by Youth Ranch participants
- Access - restricted
- Facilities - fine nearby
- Safety - very good
- Scuba - no
For maps, latitude/longitude data, driving directions, satellite imagery, and topographic representations as well as weather conditions at this spring, go to Greg Johnson's informative "Florida Springs Database" web site at the following address: http://www.ThisWaytothe.Net/springs/floridasprings.htm#Florida
From Inglis in Levy County, drive seven miles north on U.S. 19 and turn left/west at entrance to the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches Caruth Camp. Drive to end of main road (goes from paved to dirt) to spring on the right, about 0.6 miles.
Spring Description
The spring forms a circular pool about 35 feet in diameter in an area that is a border between dense subtropical forest and a developed area with buildings. Water in the pool is fairly clear, but the canopy over the pool made it impossible to visually determine the depth and all possible flow points. Some water flowed from a limestone opening in the SE end of the pool at a depth of about 4 feet. This opening was about a foot in length. The northern and eastern ends of the pool are shallow. The bottom appears to drop away to an indeterminate depth in the western end of the pool, which is likely another flow point and the primary flow point for the spring. Water exits the pool at the NW end and flows NW toward the Gulf of Mexico about 8 miles away. (The run may empty into a nearby lake to the SW. A boardwalk has been constructed around the pool.
- The spring is located in the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches Caruth Camp, which features campsites, trails, a lake, a ropes course, multi-purpose buildings, and a pool used by the Youth Ranches program.
- There does not appear to be any formal use of the spring.
The 182-acre site was donated to the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches program by Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Caruth, Jr.. Georgia-Pacific donated an additional 60 acres.
Personal Impressions
The spring is small, attractive, and in a mostly natural condition. The boardwalk serves to protect the spring's banks from erosion.
Nearby Springs
- Rainbow Springs
- Levy Blue Springs
- Manatee Springs
- Vogt Spring
Other Nearby Natural Features
- Rainbow Springs State Park
- Manatee Springs State Park
- Goethe State Forest
- Waccasassa Bay State Preserve