Springs Fever: A Field & Recreation Guide to 500 Florida Springs.

Pickard Spring

Gilchrist County

Summary of Features

  • Scale -2nd magnitude
  • Scenery - very good
  • How Pristine? - dock around spring
  • Swimming - private
  • Protection - unknown, private
  • Access - boat only
  • Facilities - none

Quick Directions

Almost immediately after Lily Springs and on the same bank.

Full Directions

0.8 miles downstream from Poe Springs and 0.4 mile upstream of Rum Island Springs on the Gilchrist (south) side of the river.  A sign on a tree at the mouth of the spring says, "Pickard Spring."

Directions to ramp at Poe Springs: From High Springs, drive south on US 41/27 about one mile.  Turn west (right) onto State Road 340 (Poe Springs Road) and proceed about 2.5 miles to entrance to Poe Springs (County) Park. Park Address: 28800 NW 182nd Avenue, High Springs, FL 32643 (352) 548-1210. Web link: www.alachuacounty.us/Depts/pcl/Pages/Details.aspx?park=Poe%20Springs%20Park

Directions to ramp at Rum Island (address: 1447 SW Rum Island Terrace, Fort White, FL 32038): From High Springs, drive NWon US 27/SR20 about four miles.  Turn left (west) onto State Road 138 and drive about two miles to turnoff to the left (south) at sign for Rum Island.  Follow dirt road about 1.5 miles to river and ramp.

Spring Description

The spring pool abuts the river, but is separated from it by a line of cypress trees and a boardwalk and dock extending from the north bank to the pool.  The pool is roughly circular and about 50 feet in diameter. There are two flow areas.  The larger is a limestone opening several feet across at a depth of about 10 feet near the center of the pool and underneath a cypress tree outfitted with a rope swing and dive platform. The other vent is similar but smaller and is in the back end of the pool. It is also about 10 feet deep, and both springs create visible boils on the surface.  A deck and boardwalk leads from the spring back through the floodplain and to a house.


Local Springiana

Although the pool is clearly visible from the river in an area of regular recreational traffic, the owners were skinny-dipping during a visit by RB in 1999.  When RB approached the spring and asked if he could photograph it, the woman asked if RB would like her to pull herself up on the rope swing so he could get what she prosaically termed a "butt shot." RB declined the offer.  JF would not have declined it.

Personal Impressions

Another very nice little spring that would be fun to explore and snorkel.

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