Springs Fever: A Field & Recreation Guide to 500 Florida Springs.

Piney Woods Spring

Washington County

Summary of Features

  • Scale - 4th magnitude (estimated) 
  • Scenery - fair
  • How Pristine? - flow formerly blocked, somewhat restored 
  • Swimming - no 
  • Protection - good 
  • Crowds - none
  • Access - none, private property


Near Holmes Creek north of Vernon.  From the main intersection in Vernon, drive north on State Road 79 for about three miles.  At the old entrance to Cypress Springs, turn right onto a dirt road.  The spring is on private property to the left of the road.

Spring Description

The spring forms a 60-foot diameter pool in an area of lush secondary vegetation.  The pool is about 10 feet deep, and the water was fairly clear on date of visit in May 2002.  Springflow was a trickle due to the stopping up of the spring with manmade debris such as building materials and sealant.  The spring's traditional run is about a half-mile in length, and it joined the spring pool of Cypress Spring.  However, a berm built around Cypress spring diverted the spring flow to the far side of Cypress Spring and through a pipe into the Cypress run below the spring.


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