Springs Fever: A Field & Recreation Guide to 500 Florida Springs.

47 Boatramp Spring(GIL1012974)

Gilchrist County

Summary of Features

  • Scale - 2nd magnitude
  • Scenery - fair
  • How Pristine? - adjacent to boat ramp and highway bridge
  • Swimming - fair-good
  • Protection - fair
  • Crowds - heavy on warm weekends
  • Access - excellent
  • Facilities - good
  • Safety - good to fair
  • Scuba - yes
  • Cost - free


From Ft. White, drive south on State Road 47 about five miles to the bridge over the Santa Fe River. The spring is just a few feet downstream of the apron of the boat ramp on the SE side of the bridge.

Spring Description

The spring lies in the river and flows from one or more limestone openings that are 10-15 feet deep at times of low-normal river heights. The flow creates visible overlapping boils on the surface. Water flowing from thespring is clear but the apparent clarity at the surface is affected bythe clarity of the Santa Fe River.


Used for wading, some swimming and rinsing off.  Most users of the boat ramp a few feet away do not notice the spring is there.

Local Springiana

Text from Johnson & Faircloth:

Personal Impressions

The convenience of this spring cannot be surpassed. One may literallystand on the edge of the boat ramp and jump into the spring boil. It is an excellent place and way to clean off at the end of a long paddle or to cool off at the beginning of one.

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