Springs Fever: A Field & Recreation Guide to 500 Florida Springs.

Sulfur Spring (or LAF718971)

Lafayette County

Summary of Features

  • Scale -2nd magnitude
  • Scenery -very good
  • How Pristine? -unspoiled
  • Swimming -no
  • Protection -unknown, private
  • Crowds -none
  • Access -boat only
  • Facilities -none
  • Safety -good
  • Scuba -unknown
  • Cost -free


From the boat ramp in Branford, proceed approximately ½ mile upriver and look for the mouth of the spring run on the left (south side).

Spring Description

The spring is along the riverbank, inset from the bank in a circular pool that opens into the Suwannee River. On date of visit (spring 1998), the river was about 6 feet above the normal high-water mark and partially inundated the spring. The pool was about 25 feet in diameter and the water was greenish. The authors were told that, at times of regular or low river height, the spring is blue.

There was a powerful flow and boil from the spring, the depth of which could not be determined visually. The spring had a fairly strong sulfurous smell, and was obstructed by fallen trees and branches. A large trunk lay athwart the spring across the top of the levee, allowing visitors to walk over it at the level of the top of the bank, tightrope-style.


According to Hornsby & Ceryak, the spring is on private property (1998, p. 87). It was not posted on date of visit, and the authors beached on the sandy bank just upstream of the spring and walked over to it along the top of the levee.

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